Jitendra Vaswani: Transforming Blogging into a Successful Online Business
It was November 2014, a young guy with loads of dreams decided to leave his safe job and concentrate completely on his part time blogs which he wanted to make an online business. Not even an year has passed and Jitendra Vaswani is a top notch blogger and a rising internet entrepreneur. I still remember my first meeting with him. I was a struggling freelancer back then, finding it difficult to make ends meet. Jitendra found me on Truelancer. I had no idea who he was or what he did! We scheduled a meeting and I started to research on who this guy was. Today most of you might know him as one of the top ten bloggers in India, the brand ambassador of Payoneer and a kickass blogger with top notch blogs on Blogging: BloggersIdeas and Technology: Technoven; a person with a sure-shot successful online business. Moments after I met Jitendra Vaswani for the first time, I knew he was onto something big.
When you interact with Jitendra you get an Idea of what successful people generally do!
With successful people, it is not always about creating a new product or a new commodity. The bottom line is to create a new experience. In Jitendra’s case this new experience was in his innovative idea to successfully monetize a blog and use the influence to garner a business built around the internet of things. The fact that he is the brand ambassador of Payoneer (along with Chitraparna Sinha) is a testament to the success of his ideology.
Today he is running a successful online business, with a portfolio of formidable clients like Payoneer and Infolinks. I won’t disclose his exact earnings but he is doing far better than one could do at a job. Self-independence, the power to explore and experiment and all the time you need to pursue what you love. What else does one want?
Jitendra met me when his idea was still in gestation. He trusted my skills in content and worked with me to devise comprehensive content strategies to take his blogs up a notch. I was a writer, a person who could give people something to read. But it was always Jitendra who knew what people liked to read and that is where our partnership bore fruition. But it is not just operational ideas which make a man successful. I mean, there are an umpteen number of blogs out there with good content but not all of them are successful. That is where entrepreneurship comes in with an amalgamation of your professional skills and the hunger which drives you. Running a successful online business is no different.
What makes Jitendra tick?
To know the answer to that we need to find out:
What makes Jitendra Vaswani run a successful online business?
If you look at it, there is not much difference between someone like Jitendra and a bloke working in the online marketing department at NBC. Jitendra knows all the essentials to a successful online business: SEO, SMM, Link Building, Backlinking, Digital Marketing, WordPress and what not. The differences arise when it comes to the beliefs and passion of each individual and what he is willing to do to not let them go. Same is the case with Jitendra Vaswani running his own successful online business.
- Experience
Jitendra has worked with top brands like FirstCry, Zopper, and RailYatri among others. After gaining good corporate insight from these firms while he was ‘on the job’, he imagined his own business knowing exactly where the pitfalls and associated risks would be. The point is experience allows you to know the risks and opportunities around an idea. The better you know them, the better you can manage them! His insights would go on to help me establish my own firm.
- Showmanship
It’s a thing with most successful entrepreneurs. They know how to turn a crowd in their favour. Jitendra tries to know his audience and that is what helps him interact better with them. In his blogging world it means loyal readers and constant traffic. In the business world it means loyal clients, good PR and heightened brand exposure. Helps all around, doesn’t it?
- Dexterity, Persistence and Patience
You have to be willing to give it all into your idea. You have to be passionate enough to believe that your idea will work and work your ass off to bring it to fruition. That is one thing Jitendra consistently does. Many a times he would call me up at 4 in the morning to discuss an exciting content niche or a remarkably innovative link building strategy. Persistence is the key to a successful online business or any business for that matter. These attributes are what make him deliver the best results to his clients.
- Networking
A business needs leads and there is no way to find them other than to network and associate yourself with people in the same industry. If you look at Jitendra’s facebook profile, you will get what I mean. Most of his friends are online entrepreneurs, bloggers, digital marketers, content and SEO strategists and so on. He frequents startup events, blogging events all across the country. He speaks amicably at these events about his trysts with a successful online business and people know instantly that this guy means business. It is as simple as that.

- Realization
Jitendra always tells me that somebody else is doing some incredible stuff at the moment, why shouldn’t we. That is an essential realisation one needs to do something great like a successful online business. The moment you realise that you can change and create things irrespective of your college degrees and your job profiles; you are set on a wonderful path.
Jitendra can be easily contacted on Facebook and Twitter. You can also get in touch with him through his websites, BloggersIdeas.
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A passionate Blogger and Digital Marketer