How Truelancer Boosts Indonesia’s Entrepreneurship
In past decades, Indonesia has been facing different economy crisis almost every year. The rising USD exchange rate, the collapse of big companies in the United States that affects banks in Indonesia, as well as the threats that foreign companies imposed to smaller businesses and ventures in Indonesia. Despite this, the motor of Indonesia’s economy stability and the key of innovation, entrepreneurs in Indonesia, have been consistently making innovations that keep the country’s economy balanced.
With the ample choice of help that is provided by local banks, starting a business in Indonesia is far from difficult. There won’t be any apparent problem since most banks provide funding helps, with low-interest money lending. The problem, however, aggravates when these newly started ventures have to hire workers. Hiring skilled workers would drain their source of income, and it’s complicated and ineffective as well. This is where Truelancer does its work. Follow me as I analyze three basic questions regarding freelancing in Indonesia and entrepreneurship; why, how, and where?
Why: Why freelancers?
Freelancers are effective workers, and they are cost-effective on top of it. Unlike full-time workers, you’re not bounded by a rigid contract. You don’t have to pay for their yearly bonuses, insurances, or reimburse their expenses. You can easily find another freelancer if you find one’s work rather unsatisfactory, or if you need someone else who can work faster. Most freelancers also have more time at their hand, and their flexible working schedule allows you to get a work done faster. Many of them are also young and enthusiastic, and their eagerness to learn will benefit you greatly. With some freelancers, you can also see the result of their working experience. Years spent working with global clients have trained them to be a professional, skilled worker.
How: How Freelancers in Indonesia are boosting Indonesia’s Economy?
Some freelancers, later on, decided to quit working as freelancers and choose to start their own business. The funding issue won’t be a problem since their savings from freelancing days can be a start-up capital. They may also choose to hire freelancers, and this allows the interchange of experience and the imparting of knowledge that will help the younger or newer freelancers in their job field. With the growth of local companies, Indonesia won’t be reliant on foreign investors, and on the long run, will fix the fragile economy of the country.
Where: Where to find trustworthy Freelancers in Indonesia?
Now that you have understood the importance of freelancers, and why hiring them is a wise option, the question would be where can you find skilled, trustworthy freelancers in Indonesia? You can start using websites such as, where you will find a vast variety of freelancers in Indonesia with varying skills, bids, and experiences. Once deciding whom do you want to work with, you can start a Project with them and manage your Project through the workstream, and this will keep you protected from any kinds of fraud; whether you’re a client or a freelancer. Signing up on Truelancer is free, and once registered, you can start browsing for jobs, or freelancers in Indonesia and other countries. Check out: Why one should hire Freelancers through Freelance Marketplaces

Working as a freelancer is probably not your first option when seeking a job, but with the influx of the freelancers around the globe these past years, maybe it’s a good time for you to get your hands on it. In the future, regardless if you want to stay working as a freelancer or start your own venture, you can see how freelancing will help you financially and, on the other hand, boost Indonesia’s economy.
Do you want to Hire Freelancers in Indonesia? Are you a Freelancer from Indonesia and not yet registered on Truelancer? Create a Profile for Free on Truelancer and start your freelancing career.
An Indonesian native, a linguist, and an enthusiastic writer. As a writer, Fawnia has written hundreds of articles that you can read in various websites. A passionate worker that would like to share the beauty of words with readers all over the globe