Working Late Night? Here are 5 Tips
For all those who work online from home, a regular work routine of eight hours is a myth. In all work from home jobs online, there can either be peace or complete chaos. For a large number of freelancers including stay at home mothers or housewives, maintaining a schedule for finishing their online jobs may also involve working late nights.
Whether we like it or not, some online jobs for women compel them to work late nights as they struggle to complete their tasks during the day. Moreover, there can also be work shifts that need to be carried out specifically during the night.
If you must work late nights, you need to set some rules to discipline yourself as a freelancer. Here are a few tips that will help freelancers especially women to utilize their full potential.
1. Create a Good Working Environment
Stop working in your bed, as this can trick your brain into switching on your sleep mode. Such a habit can also result in an inability to sleep in the nights when you don’t have any work at hand. Create a small corner for yourself to work in the night. Apart from that, watching television in the night while working, forces the brain to multi-task that results in tiring it more quickly. Keep away from distractions such as facebook or television when you are working late night.
2. Take Small Breaks
Don’t strain your eyes. Looking at the computer screen for prolonged hours can drain you out more quickly than you imagine. It is crucial to take breaks, even if it’s just closing your eyes for 5 minutes. There are a number of eye exercises that come in handy to make you stay away from headaches or dizziness during the late hours of the night.
3. Take a Power Nap
Staying up all night is a bad idea for all freelancers who work online from home. Try to take a good nap during the day or a quick power nap in the night. This will re-energize your brain cells as well as relax your nerves for you to perform even better. If you can’t take a nap, then simply stretch to relieve your muscles.
4. Stay away from Stress
There are a large number of online jobs that are pursued by women who work from home. Since, they have other responsibilities to carry out throughout the day, they often work late night to get the job done. It’s important for female freelancers to stay calm at such times.
A variety of mobile apps are designed to cut down the stress level of people who work dung the night. Some of these cut you off from distractions by switching off all social media temporarily while some other advanced applications help you to calm down by means of breathing exercises.
5. Have more Liquid
Don’t shy away from drinking more liquids to avoid a loo break in the night. Working late night can take its toll on your bodies. For this reason, it is crucial to hydrate your body by staying away from caffeine or energy drinks to stimulate the body with more water intake. Water is found to be extremely beneficial for expanding the gray matter in our brains as we become productive by having more water. However, a cup of coffee isn’t a bad idea, just refrain from too much caffeine-laden drinks.
Working online from home is a great way to find a job without investment or rigid shifts. Technology has allowed the global online freelancing community to work during their preferred hours.
This is particularly ideal for women who want to work from home to materialize their career pursuits as they have the freedom to work while raising their children and managing their homes.
Also Read: Freelancing & Parenting: A woman’s Perspective
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Amber Alvi is a passionate Web enthusiast. With over a decade’s involvement in the online industry, she is fascinated by the upcoming online developments and the evolving Marketing trends.