Ready To Quit Your Job and Join The Freelance Workforce
Research Shows that freelancers will make 40% of the workforce by the year 2020. If this prediction is true then millions of professionals switch their regular and start freelancing. In America New Study shows that there are almost 53 million people doing freelance work. It means that 1 in 3 working people are freelancers now. At Start May be your earning is not so high but with your regular effort and hard work you can achieve your targets. In freelance work, person can offer same services to number of customers at a time, it’s an entrepreneurial activity, it gives freedom, flexibility of time, once can set their own earning targets, no need to report to anyone on daily basis as you are your own boss, you can decide on your own and work as per your style. However, freelance work require lot of efforts in acquisition of customer, customer relationship, limited holidays, no fixed work timings, no monitoring for review of performance would be difficult to get feedback about improvement etc. In coming days freelancing becomes more popular. Before going for freelancing you should know about Full Time Freelancing. Let’s Start and see
Work Alone
In freelancing you are alone. you don’t have team to manage work. You have to do and manage all the work alone. Previously you are working from office but now you are working from your home. If you are used to working with people and you like offices hustle and bustle then you may consider for a coworking space or rent a desk with someone.
Self Discipline
Now you are the boss. So you will decide the time table of your work. Always remember if you have discipline in your work then probability of getting success is more. Don’t work for late nights and wake up at late morning. Try to set your working hours as working hours in your office. This will make good chances to achieve success in your freelancing business.
Dealing With Clients
When you are working for a company you are not dealing direct with client but in freelancing you have deal with your client yourself. Have direct and helpful conversation with your clients. Now your client is your boss so treat your client as your boss. Impress your client with your work and always have nice conversation with your client.
Learn Negotiating
You get paid in every month when you are working as employee in a company. You don’t have to take headache that how customer is paying and all. But as a freelancer you have to do all these work so learn negotiating with the customers. If you fails in negotiating then you will always get low price jobs.
Must Know what is Trending
As a freelancer always keep your eyes on latest trends and changes in your industry. Stay Updated. Don’t waste your time just figure out what is important for your freelance business.

There are so many reasons to start your career as a freelancer. Let’s see them one by one-
You are Your Own Boss
In freelancing you are your own boss unlike job professionals. So there are no more reasons for being late, no more excuses, no more appraisals. You have full control on your work but always remember Be serious in your work if you want to get success in freelancing.
Satisfy Your Creative Impulse
There are so many talented creative individuals who wants to satisfy their creative impulse. These People always find the platform to show their talent but not have opportunity in regular job. As a freelancer you will work and show creativity as per your skills. Produce a good sample to show your skill. You can give some ideas to your clients for their project.
New Career Options
As as a Freelancer you prepares your professional career ahead. You can improve your skills. At starting may be you don’t get expected result. It is not easy for everyone to try something new. There are so many people who prefers to hire a company for their work. As you clientele will increase and if quality of work is good then you will get projects from these customers also. After working on some projects as a freelancer you will become expert of your field and then getting work is much easier for you.
Work From Home
Working From Home makes freelancing attractive. You can save plenty of expenses while working from home. To work from home you will need these-
- A stable and good Wi-fi Connection.
- A smartphone with video calling feature.
- A professional Email Account and a Billing software to make invoices.
Now There are no more meetings, no more office politics, no more drama of workplace. You will get focus on setting up your work done.
Earning Potential
Salary might be safe and give comfort to you but your earning potential is not good in comparison of earning potential of a freelancer. As a freelancer you are the owner and like any other business owner you have the earning potential.
Freelancing always give you freedom to do work from anywhere. So you can take holidays according to yourself. There is no need to take permission from anyone and you can easily work in your holidays too. You have to pack your laptop also for this nothing more and that means you can go on holiday as much as you like.
Freelancing is something to be proud of. If you are a freelancer then you have proud on you because everyone not choose freelancing as a career. You are brave and ambitious about your career and future. Satisfaction is the key if you are working and if you are getting work satisfaction as a freelancer then your decision to become a freelancer is good.
Always Consider Freelancing as a Business and here you are the owner of business. Here You are the CEO Of you Freelancing Business. You are responsible for the growth for everything. Set your own working hours.
If you can complete the work in 5 hours then there is no need to spend 10 hours in a office. How cool is that?
However, decision to work as freelance or full time job purely depends on individual, Their career aptitude, knowledge & skills and future goals.
Want To Start Career As a Freelancer Click Here.