Freelancing vs 9 to 5 Job
It is a fact that most of the people do not find it easy to get good freelance part-time jobs online. You have to keep struggling for several months to know about the things related to freelancing in the way they are supposed to be. Undoubtedly, it is not a piece of cake to be successful in doing online freelance jobs; struggle and hard work is definitely required. There are a lot of people who do their 9 to 5 jobs in compulsion and they really feel stuck in that.
Comparison between freelancing and 9 to 5 Jobs
Time and Workplace
When you have to do a 9 to 5 job, it is quite clear that you have to strictly follow the timings. Also, you have to travel to your workplace where ever it is. But if you do work from home jobs online there are no such issues. Freelancers all around the world are supposed to be independent of their location. Even if you have to move from one country to another due to some circumstances, it does not affect your freelancing job at all; but you have to consider the deadlines strictly.
Setting own Goals
In a 9 to 5 job, you have to work as assigned by your boss and you are required to complete it at any cost. However, in the case of freelance part-time jobs online, you are free to set up your own goals and you have to take as much work as much you can manage. You can negotiate with your clients according to your availability and set your own goals. Moreover, while working as a freelancer, you have the autonomy for altering anything that you think does not really go with your vision and expectations. There is a greater flexibility in working as a freelancer as compared to a 9 to 5 job.
Job Security
There is a greater security for the payment of salary in time in a 9 to 5 job as compared to the online work from home jobs. It is very important to check out the reviews and reputation of the client who is hiring you. In a 9 to 5 job, you do not have to worry about the security of your salary; the chances of deception in such a case are very rare. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes you can get a lot of freelance graphics design jobs online or you can design your own websites and earn a lot of money that is secure as well.
Find your Passion
If you work in an office, you have to carry on your job according to the requirements of that specific place. You cannot show your skills in the other fields. For example, if you are good at graphic designing and you find it interesting, but this is not your actual job to do at your office then you will not have the opportunity to do what you exactly want. While in the case of freelancing, you can add your skills according to your passion and apply for freelance graphics design jobs online, freelance content writing jobs online, or whatever you want.
Final thoughts
Overall, it can be concluded that the pros of freelancing are greater if you are multi-talented and have different skills that can be productive in web designing, article writing and stuff like that. However, some people still prefer their 9 to 5 jobs for different reasons.
Also Read: 5 Reasons not to give up Freelancing, Ever!
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Sana Tanveer is a graduate student and is a passionate freelance content writer. She is also fluent with frontend web development.