5 Freelance Writing Scams and how to avoid them
Beware writers or else you will get hitched! Freelancers this post is really important for you so that nobody catches you in their web. I know that all freelance content writers must be looking forward to their next gig and to keep good amount coming. Whatever it is, scammers easily find you and to keep yourself safe, you have to keep your eyes open, you need to be wise enough to spot any shady thing.
Freelance writing scam is getting in hype, In this blog post you will learn about 5 freelance writing scams and tips how to avoid them.
1. The Sample Scam
It is a quite sharp technique to hitch freelancers attention by creating an eye catchy proposal likewise
“We are in need of 300 articles, our budget is $500. If you think that you can be a part of our team, write to us with a newly constructed sample of your work. Remember that we will run it on copy escape and if we find plagiarism then we won’t consider you for this job”.
Crystal clear and a unique way to grab attention and ditch freelancers, you send them your article, they get sample article from you and reject your application.
Tip: Avoid it by reporting to the freelancing sites as they are quite aware of such scams.
[sociallocker id=2937]2. Profit Sharing Promise Scam
You’ll find some clients who will ask you to work for them at low rates and promise to share the profit with you, now here you think about gaining profit, long-term. They hitch you somewhat like this
“We are offering you to join our team, we have several projects going on so be our writer. We will share our 50% profit with you. Send us your proposal with lowest rates (lowest bidder will win this job)”
You write the content at low rates and afterwards client disappear, so his promises do.
Tip: Don’t low your rates for no one but yes you can offer them reasonable discounts.
3. Side Contract Scam
Often freelancers face this scam where the contractor provides his personal information within the job description and ask freelancers to write to him on his private id, now freelancers add them and give him a chance to betray.
You will see their proposal, constructed somewhat similar to this
“We need experienced freelance content writers for our company, writers need to be proficient and punctual. We are offering you $40 per 600 words, you contact us on this Gmail id.
Tip: To avoid this freelance writing scam, don’t ever commit to working outside of that particular site, no matter how much attractive proposal he gives you. Simply say no to work outside of the site.
4. No Safe Deposit Scam
Scammers post a really attractive freelance writing job, they pretend that they are a big chain and it will be a life changing opportunity for you when you will start working for them. And they try to convince you to work on their own terms, which is usually without safe deposits (An escrow account).
A big NO here! Don’t fall prey to this trap. What they do is that they award you the project, you start working for them but they don’t pay you because they don’t fund the account and you usually ignore that. Most of the sites have made the rule of transferring funds to the site account so that you don’t end up working in vain.
Tip: Read the final contract agreement, settle all payment concerns in the first place, and always use a platform like Truelancer with a Safe deposit system. Always make sure that the payment for the work that you are working on should be present in your safe deposit or you can end up getting nothing for the work you are doing.
5. Personal Information Scam
Often cheaters ditch freelance content writers by offering them 40% upfront payment and asking for personal information. Now those people use the provided info for the identity theft and yes they don’t leave a single penny in your account.
Tip: Don’t provide them with personal Information.
While doing freelancing keep your eyes open, follow theses tips and don’t fall prey to these freelance writing scams. You can easily avoid getting into trouble if you stay a bit vigilant. Always use Safe Deposit system of freelancing marketplaces like Truelancer.com to ensure that you always get paid for your work and on time. Check out these other benefits of transacting through a Freelance Marketplace.
[/sociallocker]Don’t have a Truelancer account yet? Signup for a Truelancer account today and avail the security of Truelancer Safe Deposit System.

Sara is a Wordsmith and loves to bring words to life. She is the co-founder of Allstartupthings.com. Her love for spreading digital wisdom takes her to the ocean of blogs, where she anchors her kayak and dives right into the world of digital wisdom.