7 Easy Work from Home Part Time Jobs
Everyone would definitely love to have a little extra income; this income can make up for some of your monthly expenses of eating out, shopping or many other unforeseen circumstances. People choose part-time work from home jobs for different reasons; it can be to take care of kids or parents at home or for health reasons or just to work from the comforts of your home. Even if you have a full-time job, you might still want to work part-time from home and there is no scarcity of opportunities to do so. If you spend a lot of time online you might as well do something useful and earn some extra money. For which, there are different kinds of part-time work from home online jobs available. If you are worried about scams and frauds, it’s good that you are aware of such things happening, but not all part-time jobs have to be scams. In fact, you will find genuine work from home jobs without investment and you can be assured of receiving your payments on time. Irrespective of your age or qualification you will find an ample number of opportunities to work part-time from home. Some of the most popular part-time jobs that you get paid for are as follows:
1. Data Entry and Typing Jobs
There are plenty of simple and easy data entry or typing part-time jobs available which let you work from home. But beware there are a lot of scams out there too. Make sure you make no payment and that these are work from home jobs without investment to buy software or for other reasons. Otherwise, these are easy jobs which anyone can do. All you need is a computer and time. The payments can be based on word count or on the number of documents finished.
2. Home based Internet Research and Survey Jobs
These work from home based internet research jobs can be of various types, where you have to research for people looking for certain types of prospective clients based on profession or location. You will also find jobs which require you to take up surveys or get people to take up surveys, so you get paid for every form or survey that is completed.
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3. Ad-reading and Comment Posting Jobs
These are another set of work from home online jobs where you get paid for reading and watching ads or clicking on them. These are sites which pay you for directing content to their websites with the link they give you. You will also find other part-time work from home jobs which require you to post comments on their sites or on other sites advertising their products with appropriate links.
4. Work from Home Virtual Assistant Jobs
Virtual assistant jobs can be both part-time or full-time work from home jobs where you have to assist entrepreneurs and businesses manage their business. The work can be of various types for making online bookings, checking and responding to emails and queries, typing out strategies and handling other important details related to the business.
5. Freelance Content Writing Jobs
This is one area which provides the maximum number of jobs, there are various types of part-time work from home jobs for writers, this includes writing blogs and articles, stories, e-books, Content writing for various websites, product reviews, marketing articles, technical writing etc. are just some of the numerous categories where writers can apply their skills.
6. Part-time Jobs for Designers
If creativity and art are your skills, then you have plenty of work from home online jobs available. You can get opportunities to help companies and businesses by designing websites, brochures, posters, logos and other advertising and marketing materials. You need to have the right designing knowledge and skills along with the understanding of tools commonly used for designing like Photoshop.
7. Translation, Transcription and Voice-over Jobs
These are genuine work from home jobs which require fluency and proficiency in one or more languages. You get paid on the number of words you have completed. Translation is to translate one language to another and it’s not just word based, but you need to understand the context of the text and then translate it. Transcription jobs require you to listen to audio files and type them out to make transcripts. These can be interview transcripts or medical transcription jobs. Voice-over jobs are to provide your voice for different kinds of videos that require narration or description.[/sociallocker]
You will find all these and many more types of part-time work from home jobs on Truelancer. Signup today on Truelancer
I love reading and writing. These are two things I can get lost in for hours and not realise how time passes by! Freelance writing is something I am very happy to do.