5 things I have learned as a Freelancer
The trend of working online and becoming a freelancer is getting very common these days and a lot of people have been considering this option to earn their livelihood. There are a number of reasons for choosing this option that includes the opportunity to work from home jobs available online, part-time jobs for students who want to work part-time along with their studies, who cannot go out to find a suitable job otherwise, etc. While working as a freelancer, people get to learn a lot of things that can be considered as tips for the new freelancers. Some of them have been mentioned below.
1. Reinvent yourself
When someone starts freelance part-time jobs, he/she discovers that there are a lot of times when some sort of the art to be done becomes quite over-saturated and sometimes out of trend as well. For example, a lot of people try to reinvent themselves in a specific market of, say photographers. Some people start earning a large amount of money in the initial stages; however, this earning does not remain constant and after some time they start to earn half of the amount they were earning earlier; or may be even less than that. There is a great need for thinking about the ways to improve your skills and keep learning new skills and keep practicing them. In fact, this is very appreciable when you avail the opportunity of freelance part-time jobs for students.
[sociallocker id=2937]2. Don’t Work for Free
Undoubtedly, freelancing provides an option to earn and there are a lot of freelancing jobs for women as well. All of the new freelancers need to know that they should not work for free in order to prove themselves to be talented. This is highly inappreciable and this becomes a reason for your client to lose respect for you. You must fix your standards and tell the clients that you are valuable and you have a worth; however, you must be flexible and negotiate about the rates with your clients.
3. Don’t Compare with Successful People
You must not discourage yourself if you do not have enough reviews and there is no need for comparing yourself with the high earning freelancers. Just try to be the best version of yourself. There are plenty freelancing jobs for women too out there on the freelance marketplaces like Truelancer, which include Virtual Assistant Jobs, Content Writing Jobs, Graphics Designing Jobs etc.ou took an initiative.
4. Be Professional
All your ways must be professional and you must visit the profiles and ways of communication of the professional people. You must set your rules and must be strict to follow them. Moreover, the dealings with your clients must also be in such a way that they leave a good impression on them. You can also join some of the organizations on the internet, that can help you work in a more professional way.
5. Haters gonna Hate
When you start to do work from home jobs available online, first you should try not to tell everyone about your job and your earnings. Even if the mean people come to know about that somehow, this is a sure thing that they WILL criticize you in many ways and they will never appreciate you. You should not bother this criticism at all.
Freelancing is a very good option to earn money online and it is a platform to show up your guts and using them in a productive way. However, there are some tips that must be kept in mind while working as a freelancer that can help you polish your skills and let you work in a much better way.
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Sana Tanveer is a graduate student and is a passionate freelance content writer. She is also fluent with frontend web development.