5 Reasons your Job Security is overrated
If you are satisfied with your job and think that it is very secure with all the benefits and office love which you are getting then you need to think again. Gone are the days when you could have a secure job. These days, unless you are super rich or working for the government at a worthwhile position, nothing is secure for you, not even your job. Let us tell you why.
Here are 5 reasons why your job security may be overrated
Increasing Automation
Over the past 100 years man has been replaced by machines and this process of automation has further exploded with the rise of computer technology and the internet. The odds that someday an intelligent machine will be capable of doing what you do are in fact real and substantial.
The is not a good sign for your job security as once your company realises that they don’t have to pay you a salary and can get what you do for free through automation, it is not going to be long before you get called for a friendly goodbye!!
Increasing Downsizing
Go ahead read the news, there is always some about how a global firm is cutting its costs by laying off jobs. What are the chances that those employees were told that they were going to be unemployed? I guess not so much.
Companies like IBM and HP have recently cut a lot of jobs. You can read the news here. Your job security essentially means that you will retain your position for a long time. Now with such trends in motion, what are the odds that you will?
You’re only good until you are profitable
Well isn’t that the basic nature of all capitalism. How often do you think that your company is interested in you? I bet that the thought often crosses your mind. Well you cannot deny the fact that your job security is related to your ability to keep making money for the company. As soon as that stops for any direct reason like temporary poor performance or an indirect reason like automation, the interest it takes in you will start to dwindle.
And we all know what happens when your bosses lose interest in you. Job Security plummets out of the window. So, be careful with all those leaves you are taking!
You can always be blamed for someone else’s fault
Well this happens a lot in corporates, a lot more than you think. The downside is that like many big conspiracies, this tends to go unnoticed. It may be that your company becomes the target of a wrong decision made essentially by your bosses and peers and incurs setbacks. But do you think genuinely that they will realise their faults. They are concerned about their job security as well. Who will they turn on then? Sadly the answer is you.
Keep your eyes open in the work place. Do not take anyone for granted.
The rising freelance trends
Freelance is on the rise. More and more companies are outsourcing quality work to freelancers and evolving new freelance management systems. How long do you think it will be until your job is outsourced?
Freelance is not a bad thing but the point is that you are not a freelancer. The rising freelance trend has diluted job security all the more and started a trend of adventurous workers who don’t seem t care about job security in any manner. Are you one of those people? If not, then what are the odds that you will survive?
You must be thinking that this post is demoralising but in essence we just want to tell you about what is happening and let you realise that you need to start thinking ahead and take the matters regarding job security in your own hands. This involves methods like making backup plans, venturing into part time freelance yourself and saving for a rainy day by making worthwhile investments in various instruments.
Remember to be in control of what you do, wherever you are. If you are successful in doing that then you will always be secure in your own right, no matter what your company plans.
A passionate Blogger and Digital Marketer