10 Myths of Freelance Lifestyle
If you are the kind of person who is not able to or doesn’t want to do a full-time job due to any reason, it doesn’t mean you have no choice but to remain unemployed. You can start off with your own business or another option that’s very popular these days and you must have heard of is freelancing. There are various freelancing jobs out there and you are sure to find easy freelance jobs in your chosen field of work. You also have a lot of websites these days that offer you creative freelance jobs, freelance consultant jobs, and many other freelance job ideas. If you’ve heard of freelance jobs before you would have heard a lot of things attached with freelance jobs too. Here are a few popular myths about freelance jobs and the reality behind them.
1. Myth: People choose freelancing because they are lazy and don’t like to work much.
Reality: People choose to do freelance jobs because working on their own suits them better. Freelancers aren’t necessarily lazy people; they have their responsibilities and deadlines and need to complete a lot of work on their own.
People choose to do #freelance #jobs because working on their own suits them better Click To Tweet
2. Myth: Only students and people who are just out of college can become freelancers or only people with work experience can do freelancing.
Reality: Freelancing is for anyone. There is no limit on age or you don’t need a particular qualification to be a freelancer. There are a lot of easy freelance jobs there and you can offer your own freelance job ideas based on your strengths and areas of interest. Yes, an understanding of the workplace does help a lot, but if a person is ready to learn it doesn’t really matter if he has prior experience or not.
#Freelancing is for everyone. You don’t need a special qualification to be a #Freelancer Click To Tweet
3. Myth: Freelancers are people who can’t find any other work or not able to work in Teams.
Reality: This is again not true. People choose to freelance for various reasons, sometimes they have other priorities in life like family and health, or they need some time off from their regular work. When they commit themselves to do your work they will do the best they can to complete it. They do need to have good interpersonal skills to interact with clients and approach other people with their proposals and bids.
When #Freelancers commit themselves to do your work they'll do the best they can to complete it Click To Tweet
4. Myth: Freelancing doesn’t require Admin work or Business related work & Meetings.
Reality: A freelancer has to be able to manage his finances on his/her own, manage meetings and negotiations with clients, maintain accounts, marketing and building a network to offer services to new clients and interact with a lot of people. Freelance jobs require that the person should be well organized and maintain a balance between work and personal life just like other professionals.
#Freelancing requires that the person should be well organized & maintain a Work-Life balance Click To Tweet
5. Myth: Freelance Jobs don’t require you to work under a boss & you have the Freedom to do what you want & at your own time.
Reality: Yes, you get to do what you love doing, but you do have a client and, in the end, you’re working to fulfill his requirements. This means that you have to work based on the conditions set by your client. You have to make sure you stick to deadlines and other requirements. You do have a certain degree of freedom like choosing where you want to work from, it could be from the comforts of your home, a coffee shop or anywhere else.
#Freelancers don't have a #Boss, but they surely have a #Client who is no less than a Boss Click To Tweet
6. Myth: You can’t trust a freelancer.
Reality: A person doesn’t choose to do freelancing with the idea of cheating you. Yes, it has its own risks because you don’t get to meet him/her in person. But those risks come as a part of any kind of job. A freelancer is taking an equally big risk of not getting paid by accepting your work. It’s a professional relationship based on mutual trust and understanding that needs to be maintained on both sides. It’s always better to have smaller deals of shorter duration so that if things don’t work out fine there’s no loss for both the parties.
#Freelancing is a #professional #relationship based on mutual #trust & #understanding Click To Tweet
7. Myth: Freelancers have less work & a lot of Free time.
Reality: What is true is the exact opposite of this myth; freelancers usually end up taking more work than what they can actually accomplish. This is because when they accept the work they sometimes underestimate its complexity or how time-consuming it is. Full-time freelancers do it to have a backup job in case one of existing work ends abruptly and with it, the income stops too.
#Freelancers usually end up taking more #work than they can actually accomplish Click To Tweet
8. Freelance jobs can easily make you Rich without doing much work.
Reality: This isn’t true for a new freelancer, continuous work cannot be guaranteed. You need to have a lot of patience and work quite hard in order to get your perfect job with a good pay. You will need to complete smaller simpler projects before you can have a big break with a freelancing job that promises regular income. Anything that claims to give you three times your current monthly salary is mostly not genuine. So be wise when you choose.
9. Freelancers demand more pay than the work they do.
Reality: This one is definitely not true. All freelancers know that there is tough competition out there and that any unreasonable demands they make are not going to be fulfilled. So all genuine freelancers would definitely ask for as much money as they think they can deliver the work for. In fact, freelancers tend to underestimate the complexity of the work and end up quoting very low, which they realize later, that a job takes more time and effort than what they estimated.
#Freelancers sometimes underestimate the #complexity of the #work & end up #quoting very low Click To Tweet
10. Freelancing is Boring & monotonous work.
Reality: Freelancing provides you with jobs in various fields, you have different kinds of jobs which you can take up based on your interests. There are websites which offer you creative freelance jobs, freelance consultant jobs, office admin and virtual assistant jobs etc. You also have the opportunity to follow your hobbies like photography and writing jobs. If you think you need a change from the same old 9-5 job then freelancing is something that’s right for you. With freelancing jobs, you get to continuously learn, experiment and do different things.
With #Freelance #jobs, you get to learn continuously, #experiment & do different things. Click To Tweet
Now that you clearly know The Myths and realities of Freelance Lifestyle, it is the right time to Signup on Truelancer and start your Freelancing Career.
I love reading and writing. These are two things I can get lost in for hours and not realise how time passes by! Freelance writing is something I am very happy to do.